Street Style in Madrid
Pablo Cuadra/Getty Images Entertainment/GettyImages

Navy blue has always seemed like a difficult color to match. Wearing black shoes with navy was once considered a fashion faux pas, but designer Donna Karan changed all that when she popularized the combo.


Wear shoes that are as dark or darker than your pants. Opt for black, charcoal or dark brown.

If you are adventurous, red is also an option for casual outings. Red with navy is too audacious for the workplace, however. Complete the look by matching your accessories -- belt, purse, etc. -- with your shoes.


Do not wear light-colored shoes. Colors such as tan and beige do not complement navy pants. Avoid oxford and wingtip styles.


Wearing black shoes with navy was once considered a fashion faux pas, but for more than 10 years, the color combination has been acceptable thanks to Donna Karan.