Smiling mature woman peeking over sunglasses

Silver sisters unite! The days of dreading those pesky grays is long gone. Silver, and even gray, hair is now totally on trend, so if you're a silver fox it's time to dive deep into your closet to discover what works for you and your beautiful new hair. Find out how to rethink your clothing colors in order to make the most of your beautiful gray mane.

Know Your Shade

Many people think that gray hair is gray, but gray hair actually ranges from dark gray to silver, platinum and blonde-gray. Before you start choosing clothing colors, know your exact shade or achieve the shade you really want. If you're steel gray or blonde-gray and want silver or platinum, a professional hairdresser can really help by giving you white highlights, stripping old hair dye or giving you a rinse or gloss to add color and shine.

Start With a Clean Slate

Going gray doesn't mean that you have to buy a whole new wardrobe. It simply means you should throw out any pre-conceived ideas of what "your colors" are. This is a great time to reinvent yourself and really play with color.

Go Crazy For Color

Some color suggestions that complement a gray mane are purple, warm orange, fuscia, pink or jewel tones like cobalt blue, emerald green and ruby red. If you want to tone it down a bit, try bright white instead. The general consensus though for gray-haired women is to avoid beige.

Check Your Makeup

If you've chosen your clothes and still feel like you're too pale or washed out, consider changing out your makeup. Line your eyes, add a sheer coral or peach blush and don't skip on lip color. If you're not a lipstick girl, smooth on a tinted balm or stain.