It can be frustrating to try on a pair of jeans only to realize that you don't have the natural curves to fill them out. Fortunately, hip pads and padded panties have been created to help give a woman a more feminine appearance. Instead of purchasing your own hip pads, make them at home with just a few materials. Depending on your skill, your hips pads can be ready to wear in less than an hour.
Use your scissors to cut two oval shapes out of the foam, about 8 1/2 inches long and 6 inches wide. They should be almost identical in size.
Cut four oval shapes out of the nylon material. These shapes should be about 9 inches long and 6 1/2 inches wide. These will be the covers for your foam hip pads.
Place one piece of the nylon material under one oval piece of foam, and one piece of the nylon material on top of that same piece of foam. Pin the pieces together.
Use a sewing machine to sew the two pieces of nylon together around the foam. Trim excess nylon material around the foam; there should only be about 1/2 inch of extra nylon around the seam.
Repeat steps 3 and 4 to create the other hip pad.
Attach double-sided adhesive to one end of your hip pads. Be sure that this adhesive will not leave residue on clothing, because these pads will be attached to your underwear.
Push the adhesive side of your hip pads onto your underwear to keep them in place. If the adhesive is skin safe, you may also attach the hip pads directly to your skin.