Warm weather and sandals go hand-in-hand, but for those who have corns, wearing the revealing footwear will often expose the calluses on their feet. Corns, which are patches of thickened skin caused by pressure points in shoes, are a common problem reported to podiatrists. Yet covering up and hiding these blemishes is easy. By following a few steps, you can comfortably wear sandals without anyone being able to see the corns on your feet.
Look at your foot to determine where the corns are located. Many people develop corns on the tops of their toes or the balls of the feet, although these patches of hard and raised skin can appear anywhere the foot has pressure. Make a mental note of where the areas are so you can purchase sandals that will cover the corns.
Try on sandals that have straps to cover the corns on your feet. You might already have a pair in the back of your closet, or you may need to go shopping to find the right style. If you have corns on your toes, look for sandals with a thick strap that will cover most of your toes. For corns on your heels, look for styles with a back strap.
Add accessories to your sandals to further cover the corns. Women who have corns on the tops of their toes should use fabric glue to adhere a trim of lace over the front sandal strap. A large silk flower will also extend over the front of a sandal strap, or can be glued to its side strap, to hide corns. Men can adhere additions to their sandals to cover corns, too. Glue a strip of fabric that matches the shoe over an area that will further cover the corns. Or add some flair in the process and adhere a piece of leather with metal studs, or any other accessory that fits your personal style.
Cover the corn with a flesh-colored bandage. Find a bandage that will adhere onto your skin, ensuring that the color of its outer surface matches the color of your skin. Also, look for the bandage in a shape that will cover your corns and securely stick to that part of your body. For example, a corn on the side of your foot can probably be covered by a circular, dot-shaped bandage, while corns on the toes will require a bandage that can be secured by wrapping around the toe.
Look for shoes made with materials that will prevent your corns from growing. Corns are created at pressure points in the shoe, so find footwear made from soft or loose materials. Fabric sandals won't put much pressure on your corns, while thick leather won't have as much give.