The high-end luxury accessories brand Prada began in Milan, Italy in 1913. Since that time, the company has been known for its handbags and accessories, which can be purchased at authorized retail stores worldwide. As with many high-end brands, replicas of Prada items are widely available for purchase. However, there are a few ways to determine an authentic Prada item, including Prada eyeglasses.
Ask the seller for the certificate of authenticity. This should have the Prada brand name and information about the materials used in the eyeglasses. Check to make sure the certificate states "Made in Italy." The paperwork included with the eyeglasses should also have a warranty issued from Prada. If the certificate of authenticity or the warranty is missing, the eyeglasses are likely not authentic.
Know your price point. Prada eyeglasses typically cost $250 and up without lenses. If the price seems too good to be true, it probably is and the eyeglasses are probably replicas.
Ensure that the eyeglasses come with a Prada eyeglass case. The case should be high-quality and sturdy with a soft interior and an eyeglass cloth that also has the Prada logo. If the eyeglass case is cheap, flimsy or does not have the logo on both the case and the cloth, the item is probably not an authentic pair of Prada eyeglasses.
Look at the eyeglasses closely. The Prada logo should be located on the inside of one of the eyeglass stems and should be evenly spaced on the stem. The logo itself should be written clearly and without any blurred lines or letters. Authentic Prada eyeglasses will say "Made in Italy" on the inside of one of the stems.
Inquire about the eyeglass model number. This information should be readily available for authentic Prada eyeglasses. If the seller cannot provide the model number, the glasses are probably replicas.