Purchasing a pair of high-end Cartier glasses is a statement of luxury. Each piece of eyewear is priced from several hundred to thousands of dollars. Because of their high prices, Cartier glasses are being imitated by manufacturers and sold to those on tighter budgets. With all the replicas available, you may be concerned that your Cartier glasses are not authentic.
Notice the price of the glasses and be wary of extremely low-priced versions. An authentic pair of Cartier glasses cost at least $600 for acetate rims and up to $3,000 for platinum frames. If the price is far below the original cost, there is a possibility that the pair is fake.
Check for inscriptions. The Cartier signature is located on the eyewear and a set of numbers in a small font is on the inside frame. This should be a seven-digit serial number provided by Cartier in all glasses to confirm authenticity.
Examine and inspect the frame, lenses and insignia for quality. No part of the sunglasses should appear cheap or be made of plastic. The sunglasses should look and feel expensive since Cartier uses only exceptional quality materials, such as platinum for its finishes.
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Ask for a warranty card and an authenticity guarantee card if you buy the glasses from an authorized dealer or optometrist. If the eyewear is purchased from a private individual, you should always request this information. Cartier glasses are typically sold with a hard leather case, cleaning cloth and an authenticity guarantee card.
Writer Bio
With over 25 years of writing experience, Lisa Huston worked in city government with experience in zoning and urban planning, writing ordinances and policies. She specializes in research and technical writing, and she holds a bachelor's degree in Liberal Studies and minor in Film and Media Studies.