Fossil, a manufacturer of clothing, handbags and jewelry, has been around since 1984. The company sells high-quality watches in eight different styles, including the aluminum, ceramic, casual, delicate, boyfriend, convertible and Starck. These styles are often imitated by the black market. To get an authentic Fossil watch, purchase your time-piece from an authorized Fossil dealer. To locate an authorized dealer, use the "Store Locator" tool located on the company's website.
Look at the name watch, to see that it reads "Fossil." If the brand name is misspelled, it is an indication the watch is counterfeit. Examples of misspelled names include "Fosil" and "Fossel."
Examine the watch band to see if it is made of genuine leather. If the band is not made of real leather, the watch is counterfeit. This does not apply to aluminum or ceramic watch bands.
Check the warranty. Real Fossil watches have an 11-year limited warranty. Anything less is not a Fossil.
Check the price of the Fossil watch. If it's a real Fossil, it cost around $65 or higher, as of this publication date, depending upon the style. If you are paying $20 for the watch, it is likely a counterfeit.
Look on the back of the Fossil's watch case. A real Fossil has a serial number engraved on the case. However; the presence of a number does not indicate the Fossil is real. Telephone Fossil Customer Care at 800-449-3056. Provide the customer care representative with the serial number. The representative will look up the serial number to see if the watch is authentic.
Take the watch to an authorized Fossil dealer or Fossil expert. Expert eyes are trained to detect the real from the fake.