
Anyone who owns a designer handbag will tell you it's all about the care of the bag as to how much life you get out of your bag. Burberry is no exception. The canvas bags have special treatment instructions as do the now broader line of leather goods the hallowed British fashion house has recently released (love the warrior bag!)


Congratulations! You've bought yourself one of the most popular designer handbags in existence - a Burberry bag. So now what? If you aren't accustomed to caring for a designer handbag then read these tips to ensure your purse has a long shelf life.

Having the right protector or cleaner is important to take care of your Burberry purchase. Burberry will have appropriate cleaners available in store to purchase. Having a cleaning agent that is designed to take care of a high-end handbag is important because they are specially formulated to be used with the care of that particular bag. There are many reputable cleaners for purchase at any store. If nothing else, be sure to have the right cleaners on hand for that particular type of bag, be it leather or canvas.

Canvas and leather are the most popular style of Burberry bags. For a canvas bag again always be sure to save the dustcloth that comes with your bag. Whenever you are not using this purse you will want to store your bag in its dustcloth. Scotch-guard one of the most reputable types of products to use on canvas. You will want to treat your bag prior to use following the instructions on the can. This will protect the canvas from staining permanently and make it easier to remove any stains if you happen to get some. Be sure to test the product on your bag before using. Some stains on canvas can be removed with Shout Wipes which is another recognizable cleaner for canvas and it works well. Burberry has also recommended trying a mild cleansing soap and soft cloth to spot treat the stain as well.


Burberry leather is beautiful, supple and something you need to take care of properly. Burberry bags are not treated when you buy them because this allows your bag to gain character over time that makes this brand distinct and unique. Most leather designer bags are not treated. This allows the bags to age gracefully and with the character expected from a designer bag. Once you purchase your bag either use the Burberry leather cleaner or another leather protector you are comfortable with and treat your bag to prevent stains from setting in according to the directions on the can. I've gotten a great leather protector at Saks before for $6 and it worked wonders. Burberry has recommended that you treat your bag once you buy it (usually two applications at first). Then treating after the season (say you are using a summer handbag) and then once again before using again the next year.

The last thing to keep in mind in terms of taking care of your Burberry bag is the weather. Don't be stupid enough to take your leather bag out on a rainy day and have it get drenched. Use your head and if the weather is yucky - rain, sleet, snow, you name it, maybe taking a less expensive handbag out for the day will save you the trouble of cleaning and preserving later on.


NEVER store your Burberry bag in a plastic bag. Leather purses dry out, and the plastic bags will not allow your fabric to breathe. If your bag DOES NOT COME with a storage bag (say someone gifts you a Burberry purse and it doesn't have the dustcloth) you will want to use a fabric storage bag. You can purchase a cloth storage bag at any big bedding type store or the old trick is that you can use a pillowcase if you have nothing else.