Kate Spade New York handbags are sophisticated, classic, elegant designer handbags made with the finest fabrics and leather. The Kate Spade trademark label that proudly showcases on real Kate Spade handbags signifies that it is the real deal. The price for a handbag can range from $145 to $525 and higher. Handbags are only sold in fine department stores or Kate Spade stores.
But what happens when your treasured handbag gets dirty? Of course you can always try to avoid touching the handbag with dirty hands or setting it on the ground, but you almost want to protect your handbag like a fine piece of jewelry. Here are few things to preserve the life of your Kate Spade handbag.
First, always read handbag care instructions. Most designer handbags include instructions about how to care for a new handbag.
Take you handbag to the dry cleaners. A professional dry cleaner can properly clean your purse without damaging its condition, especially Kate Spade evening bags. A dry cleaner uses a solvent to remove the stains but not damage the overall condition of the bag.
Use a mild soap with a damp cloth on classic nylon and fabric handbags. Ivory soap or Woolite gently removes dirt and stains. Be careful not to use too much water, because it could ruin the overall appearance of the handbag. After spot cleaning, gently wipe the entire handbag down.
Use a leather conditioning cream on Kate Spade leather handbags. Kate Spade leather handbags are made from Italian tanneries that are water and scratch resistant. If a leather handbag becomes wet, gently wipe it down with a leather conditioning cream. You can usually purchase this cream when you buy a bag.