Fashionable big red handbag on the arm of the girl

Goyard, the French luxury house founded over 140 years ago, has been in high demand over the past five years. The company's handbags received "it" status when high-end department stores Bergdorf Goodman and Barney's New York picked up the line exclusively in the United States. But along with "it" status comes a flurry of knockoffs. Spot a fake Goyard bag by following a few visual clues of authenticity.

Feel the texture of the Goyard bag. Authentic Goyard bags have a bumpy texture due their hand-painted surfaces. Fake Goyard is made with printed fabric that is smoother and shinier, to reduce production cost.

Check the weight of the fabric and the bag as well. Fake Goyard bags are made with cheap cotton and vinyl that make the bags heavy and smelly. Authentic Goyard bags are made with special resin-coated linen and are lined with a cotton/linen fabric that leaves the bag light as a feather.

Become familiar with the product--that is the key to spotting these details in a fake. Researching Goyard online and inspecting the details of an authentic one in the store are the best way to know what it should look and feel like. Black Goyard bags have black thread stitching and color bags have white stitching--but these are details that you cannot spot unless you see the real product in your hands.

Note the packaging of the product. Authentic Goyard bags don't come with handles covered in plastic. They also do not come with leather tags on the handle. They come in plain dust bags and are placed in plain, unmarked brown boxes.

Know your retailer. Goyard is only found in 14 retail locations across the globe and only four in the United States. If you're buying a Goyard bag secondhand, ask for a receipt and check it against the list of retailers on the Goyard website (see Resources).