The Burberry Blue Label is a specified version of the Burberry brand that is available only in Japan. The Blue Label merchandise features clothing that is more fitted and available in smaller sizes in order to appeal more directly to the Japanese market. Furthermore, the Burberry Blue Label merchandise is not licensed to be sold or listed anywhere outside of Japan. It's also similar in price range to the regular Burberry London merchandise.
Make sure the merchandise you are looking to purchase is sold in Japan and will be shipped to you from Japan. The listing or sale of any Burberry Blue Label merchandise is banned for any country except Japan. Thus, any listing or sale by a boutique in another country is most likely fake.
Make sure the tag on the clothing is in white or bright blue and that the logo reads BURBERRY LONDON BLUE LABEL.
Make sure the logo is spelled in all upper case letters: BURBERRY, not Burberry or Burberry's. It must also say BLUE LABEL in all upper case letters directly below the BURBERRY logo.
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Check for loose stitches and any other evidence of shoddy craftsmanship. Burberry is a very respected label that takes pride in its quality craftsmanship so if you notice fabric glue, uneven stitches or a defective zipper, there's a very high chance that the product is a fake.
Make sure the merchandise has a serial number. Every Burberry Blue Label product has a unique serial number stamped on a white label inside the bag or piece of clothing. This number can be used to determine if the product is fake or authentic.
Make sure the Burberry Blue Label merchandise you are interested in buying is refundable whether you are buying it online or from a store. This will ensure that you will be able to return the product if you are unsatisfied for any reason.
Don't buy any Burberry Blue Label merchandise from eBay as there is a great chance that those products will be fake. Avoid buying Burberry Blue Label merchandise from any online retailers--your best bet is to buy the bags directly from Japan if you can afford to visit or know of anyone who is planning a trip there.
Writer Bio
Maggie Hira has been writing professionally since 2006. She has written for numerous websites and print publications, including "LA.Direct Magazine" and The Budget Fashionista. Hira holds a Bachelor of Arts in English from the University of California, Los Angeles.