eyelashes image by saied shahinkiya from Fotolia.com

Dark, lush eyelashes are perfect for fluttering, but not everyone was born with the perfect lashes. If you suffer from skimpy, pale lashes, there are things you can do to darken your lash line naturally. Besides getting darker lashes, you will also see your lashes begin to look healthier and maybe even longer. Mascara gives you a temporary fix, but for a permanent change, begin using these natural methods for darker lashes. Follow these simple steps and apply the natural treatments to your eyes before you go to bed.

Dip a clean mascara brush in a tablespoon of olive oil.

Tap the excess oil from the brush onto a paper towel. This will prevent oil from seeping into your eye.

Place the mascara brush at the base of the top eyelashes and apply the oil by using a gentle sawing motion. Reapply the oil to the brush and repeat the step on the other top lash.

Apply the oil to the bottom lashes by touching the tip of the wand to your lashes.


You can substitute the olive oil with castor oil. Another method for darkening lashes is to dab petroleum jelly on your fingers and rub it lightly on your eyelashes.


Do not get oils or petroleum jelly in your eyes.