Fresh pineapple juice in the glass

Start to Finish:

1 to 3 days


: 1


: Beginner A pineapple-infused martini is easy to make, but it does require some effort. Infusing soaks the pineapple in vodka for an extended period of time to bring out the flavor of the fruit. It is similar to

steeping tea

  • 1 fresh pineapple
  • 1 bottle vodka
  • Simple syrup

Step 1: Make the Pineapple-Infused Vodka

Peel and slice the pineapple into large chunks. Fill a clean jar or jug you're using with the pineapple pieces. Leave enough room for the pineapple to shift in the jar, but ensure that it is nearly full. Pour the vodka over the pineapple. Seal the lid over the jar and wiggle it slightly to ensure that the

vodka is fully covering all of the pineapple

. Store it in a cool, dark place for one to three days. This allows the pineapple flavor to fully blend with the vodka. Strain the vodka into a separate container after infusing and dispose of the pineapple.

Step 2: Mix the Martini

Fill a cocktail shaker with ice and add 3 1/2 ounces of the pineapple-infused vodka and 1/2 ounce of simple syrup to the shaker.

Shake five to six times

to mix the ingredients, then strain the drink into a chilled martini glass. Garnish the drink with a fresh chunk of pineapple if desired and serve it.


Flavored martinis often require a myriad of ingredients

. Using pineapple- or other-infused vodkas eliminates the need for flavored liqueurs or juices. Use 1 ounce of pineapple juice to 3 ounces of the vodka for an even stronger pineapple flavor, or use

other citrus juices

like orange or papaya for a nice complement. Alternatively, shake the martini with a few mint or basil leaves for an

herbal addition.

If you're short on time but still want a pineapple martini,

substitute a pineapple vodka

. Mix it with simple syrup and about an ounce of pineapple juice for a quick version of this martini. And if you love the infused flavor, experiment with other liquors or fruits. Try watermelon-infused rum, tequila infused with peppers or even vodka infused with fresh herbs.