The short braid is a type of hairstyle that can be utilized by women and men. Popular among African Americans, short braids are ideal for naturally thick and curly hair. Yet, it can also be a hairstyle used by men with other hair types. It is an easily manageable style that is hard to get knotted and it doesn't require much maintenance. Men with short hair generally find it a good option because it is a wash and wear type of hairstyle that doesn't require additional work after a shower.
Wash your hair thoroughly with shampoo and blot hair with dry towel to remove excess water.
Comb the hair using a wide-toothed comb and remove all tangles from the end tips of the hair going up.
Select a portion where you want to start the braiding from the topmost part of the head going down. Grab a handful of hair on the topmost part of the selected portion and separate them into three equal parts. Hold each section between your fingers.
Twist the right section over the left section beside it, as if creating an "X" mark.
Twist the left section over the right one beside it, again creating an "X" mark.
Grab a handful of hair right below the new right section, doubling the thickness of this right section. Do the same on the middle section.
Twist the new, thicker right section over the new, thicker middle section, creating another "X" mark.
Grab another handful of hair right below the left section, doubling the thickness of this left section. Do the same on the middle section.
Twist the new, thicker left section over the new, thicker middle section, creating yet another "X" mark.
Repeat the steps by alternating the twisting process of the right and the middle sections and the left and middle sections. Continue going down the head until reaching your desired end point for the braid. You may stop at any length or make a complete braid of the entire length of hair.
Close up and secure the braid using a rubber band.
Begin another portion for braiding by starting at the top of the head going down, then close up and secure the braid again using a rubber band. You may prefer to braid the entire head or just a portion of the head.
It is best to use a moisturizing shampoo prior to doing the braids.
Avoid too tight braiding to prevent possible headache or any annoying feeling related to overstretching the hair with braiding.
Short braids can also be used for making a temporary curly hairstyle. After a couple of hours, removing the braids puts temporary curls on the hair.
Writer Bio
Rianne Hill Soriano is a freelance artist/writer/educator. Her diverse work experiences include projects in the Philippines, Korea and United States. For more than six years she has written about films, travel, food, fashion, culture and other topics on websites including Yahoo!, Yehey! and Herword. She also co-wrote a book about Asian cinema.