Jessica Cook/Demand Media

Coach bags are one of the most popular and affordable designer handbags on the market today. Coach first began producing leather handbags and accessories in a loft in New York City in 1941, and now has factories all over the world. Coach bags are as unique as their owners. Adjusting the strap on your Coach handbag is a simple process. Most Coach bags come with adjustable shoulder straps. If your bag did not come with an adjustable strap, you can still adjust it in a classy way with simple items that you can find at any hardware store.

Jessica Cook/Demand Media

Determine how you would like to carry your bag, and how much the strap needs to be shortened or lengthened.

Jessica Cook/Demand Media

Adjust the buckle on your handbag's shoulder strap if you bag is equipped with one. Most Coach bags have three to five adjustments on the shoulder straps to accommodate most users.

Jessica Cook/Demand Media

Add a dogleash clasp that matches your bag's hardware if you are unable to adjust the strap as long as you would like. Hardware stores offer dogleash clasps in all finishes and sizes, so you will be able to find one to match your bag.