A wrinkled tie gives you a disheveled look, which is probably not what you’re going for if you have a tie on in the first place. Ties can be made from a variety of fabrics, but some of the most common are silk, polyester, cotton and wool. Regardless of the fabric type, a tie can become wrinkled if it's not cleaned, dried and hung properly. Get the wrinkles out and salvage your tie, but use caution so you don't damage the material in the process.
Hang the wrinkled tie on a clothes hanger. Let it hang in a well-ventilated spot for a couple days and many of the wrinkles will naturally go away.
Use steam to get the wrinkles out of a tie. Hang the tie in the bathroom while you take a hot shower and the heat from the shower will work out the wrinkles. Or use a garment steamer to get rid of the wrinkles. Hold the steamer lightly against the fabric and slowly move it down the length of the tie to smooth out the wrinkles.
Iron your tie only if absolutely necessary, especially if it’s silk. Set your iron to the appropriate heat setting -- high for cotton fabric, medium for wool and cool for polyester or silk. Place a clean, white cloth over the tie, then iron the backside of the tie first. Iron from the bottom of the tie toward the top, lifting the cloth occasionally to check for any color changes. If you notice color changes, stop ironing or lower the temperature before continuing. Once the back of the tie is ironed, flip it over and iron the front side using the cloth.
Roll up the tie and let it sit for a day or two to remove creases and wrinkles.
Avoid using steam or irons on ties too frequently, as they may damage the fabric over time. Never hold the iron or steamer in one spot on the fabric for any length of time. Instead, keep it moving at all times to avoid scorching or damaging the tie.
Always read the care instructions on your tie to find out whether ironing or steaming is safe for the fabric.
Writer Bio
Kimbry Parker has been writing since 1998 and has published content on various websites. Parker has experience writing on a variety of topics such as health, parenting, home improvement and decorating. She is a graduate of Purdue University with a Bachelor of Arts in organizational communication.