how to remove wax from apples
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Wax is nature's way of keeping oxygen away from fruit and vegetable skin, where they store most of their nutrients. Organic apples still have their natural wax coating when you purchase them, but non-organic apples typically lose their natural wax coating through the washing and brushing process they undergo, so apple growers spray the harvested fruit with a natural, FDA-certified, “safe to eat” wax coating before shipping to increase the shelf life. You can scrub wax off apples using a vegetable brush and food acid, such as lemon juice. Here's a step-by-step to make it easy.

Rinse each apple in lukewarm water and remove dirt and debris using your fingers. Fill the sink with hot water, the water will reduce to lukewarm when you start washing the apples.

Mix 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of baking soda per gallon of water. Dip each apple in the water and scrub it using a vegetable brush.

Rinse the apples again in warm water and dry them using paper towels. Scrub the apples again if you find any residual wax.