L'oreal Excellence HiColor is designed to add intense highlights to dark hair. The product uses proprietary technology to lift hair three to four colors lighter. The products creme allows the dye to penetrate the hair strands without dripping, allowing you to have more control over the color. L'oreal also claims this product is resistant to fading from sun and washes. To use this product successfully, only apply it to healthy hair.
Put on old clothes and the included plastic gloves to prevent stains from the dye.
Shampoo your hair as normal. Don't use conditioner.
Mix the L'oreal HiColor dye in the included bowl. To mix the HiColor for dark hair only, mix 1 part (1.74 oz) of HiColor hair color to 1.5 parts (2.5 oz). of the included Oreor Creme Developer. To mix HiColor for red highlights, mix 1 part hair color (1.2 oz) to 2 parts (2.4 oz) of the included Oreor Creme Developer.
Comb the hair out. Divide the hair and pin up the hair in sections.
Apply the HiColor to strands of semi-moist hair with the included brush. Apply the color only to the portions of the hair you want to color.
Cover the hair with a shower cap. Allow the dye to penetrate the hair for 30 minutes.
Rinse the hair with cold water. Make sure to wear gloves while rinsing the hair.
Pour the included conditioner on the hair and allow it to sit for three minutes. Then rinse the conditioner out of hair until the water runs clear.
Writer Bio
Si Kingston has been an online content contributor since 2004, with work appearing on websites such as MadeMan. She is a professional screenwriter and young-adult novelist and was awarded the Marion-Hood Boesworth Award for Young Fiction in 2008. Kingston holds a Bachelor of Arts in English from Mills College.