
Stretch marks, also known as striae gravidarum, can result when your skin is stretched during pregnancy or rapid weight gain. The resulting broken blood vessels first appear in lighter shades of pink, slowly turning into lines of silvery gray. Stretch marks most often appear on the stomach and breasts, but they may also appear on other areas of the body such as the legs and arms. The appearance of stretch marks can make some people very self-conscious, ultimately seeking the services of a dermatologist. For those looking for less drastic solutions, the use of egg whites as a natural remedy is an alternative. Egg whites contain amino acids and proteins that some find can heal the skin, restoring it to a smooth and youthful appearance.

Separate the egg whites of 2 eggs from their yolks. This can be done by cracking the egg all the way around with a knife, and separating the 2 halves just far enough apart for the egg white to drip out into the bowl. The yolk will remain inside the egg's shell, and it can be discarded or used for other purposes.

Whip up the egg whites with a fork. A light whipping is all that is necessary.

Apply a thick layer of egg whites over your stretch marks. A clean makeup brush or even a pastry brush will help to spread the egg whites evenly on your skin.

Allow the egg whites to dry completely, and then rinse with cold water. Pat the area dry with a soft cloth, and rub in a thin layer of olive oil.

Repeat the process at least 3 times a day in order to see results. Stretch marks should begin to become less noticeable in the following weeks, and the process can be discontinued once you are satisfied with the result.


Massaging the area containing the stretch marks, in between applying the egg whites, will help to promote blood flow to the area and encourage the vanishing process. Remember to drink lots of water in order to keep your skin well hydrated and to speed up the process of eliminating your stretch marks. Well hydrated skin will also reduce the risk of your body producing new stretch marks. Any egg whites that remain in the bowl after an application can be covered and stored in the refrigerator for later use.


Keep in mind that stretch marks can not be completely eliminated without a surgical procedure, but the egg whites should make the appearance of your stretch marks almost invisible.