GUESS, created by brothers Maurice Marciano and Paul Marciano in 1981, sells high-quality handbags, shoes, denim wear and wallets. Although GUESS wallets can be found online and in retail outlets other than GUESS stores, unscrupulous vendors also produce fake GUESS products and sell them at lower prices. There are several key differences between authentic and fake GUESS wallets.
Note the packaging. An authentic GUESS wallet comes in either a white or red box with only the words "GUESS by Marciano" embossed on it. A fake GUESS wallet will often come in a different-colored box, with the lettering in an incorrect font or have a question mark on the label. See "Resources" to view authentic logos and inserts that use the correct font.
Inspect the wallet insert card. The card should be gray, with "GUESS by Marciano" in silver embossed on it. A fake GUESS wallet insert will likely be in a different color, with a different font, or simply feature a question mark.
Observe the tag attached to the wallet. An authentic GUESS wallet will have a tag that looks identical to the wallet insert -- gray colored, with "GUESS by Marciano" embossed. An authentic GUESS tag will also have the model number, bar code and price on the back. Imitators will not have this information and will likely use a different color on their tags. Instead of gray, black or white is common.
Writer Bio
Jane McDonaugh has been a professional writer and editor since 2010, with expertise in literature, television, film and humor. She is a freelance reader for Author Solutions Film and has held many other positions in television and film production. McDonaugh holds a Bachelor of Arts in television production and English from Emerson College.