Sprouting peanuts

Peanut sprouts are shoots of germinated peanuts and are high in protein, vitamins and minerals. Peanut sprouts can be eaten raw in salads and sandwiches or cooked in stir-fries, soups and other dishes. When you're sprouting peanuts at home, buy seeds labeled for sprouting because many seeds sold for gardening have been treated with fungicides, which can be harmful if eaten.

Place 1/2 cup of peanut seeds and 1 1/2 cups of cool water (60 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit) in a bowl. Stir seeds to ensure all surfaces contact the water. Allow to soak for 4 to 12 hours.

Drain off the water. Rinse the seeds with cool water and drain again thoroughly.

Place the seeds in a sprouter. Peanut seeds yield about 2 to 1. Dry seeds should take up a maximum of half the sprouter's capacity; do not overstuff it.

Place the sprouter somewhere out of direct sunlight at room temperature (ideally 70 degrees). Leave for 8 to 12 hours. Do not hide sprouter in a closet because seeds need air circulation.

Rinse again in cool water and drain again thoroughly. Leave again for 8 to 12 hours as in Step 4. Repeat this process at least three times and for up to six days. The number of times this step must be repeated depends on the climate, time of year and personal preference. Typically, three to five times is enough to cause the pointy tip of the peanut seed (the germ) to bulge.


Taste the crop after every rinse -- including the very first soak period -- to determine your personal preference.

Dry the sprouted peanuts thoroughly after a final rinse. This can be done in a salad spinner or with paper towels.

Transfer the sprouted peanuts to a plastic bag or sealed container and refrigerate. Fresh sprouts will generally keep for two to six weeks in a refrigerator. However, to avoid eating sprouts that have gone bad, smell the sprouts to be sure that they have a clean, fresh odor after just two days in the refrigerator.