Valentino : Runway - Paris Fashion Week - Menswear Spring/Summer 2017
Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images Entertainment/GettyImages

Sometimes it's fine to buy a replica designer handbag if you simply want the look without the high price. But if you're shopping for an authentic bag, it's vital to check the product \ if you're not buying it through an authorized dealer. Valentino handbags are known for feminine touches, vibrant colors and expert workmanship...and are also a favorite mark for knock off artists. Before you buy, use the following tips to spot a fake Valentino bag.

Study authentic Valentino handbags before purchasing one online. Head to a retailer like Neiman Marcus or Saks Fifth Avenue, for example, to study the bag that you're interested in. Whether you're looking for something dressy like a Petale handbag or tote or something for everyday use like the Valentino Catch Signature Bag, memorize the details from the type of metal studs and hardware used to the type of clasp or zipper pull. Having a baseline comparison will help you spot a fake Valentino bag.

Note the type of fabric inside the authentic Valentino purse. While some models like the Histoire Patent Tote feature a cotton canvas lining, scam artists may use a silkier fabric inside, thinking that it gives their bag a richer look. Spot a fake Valentino bag in other ways like checking the number and size of the interior pockets.

Memorize the style of the metal Valentino V or nameplate on the front of the authentic handbag. Fake Valentino bags may feature the V in a different font or with elaborate adornments, while a nameplate may include too much or too little detail or even smudged engraving.

Inspect the stitching to spot a fake Valentino bag. Designer handbags feature meticulous stitching, while knock offs may have long and uneven stitches, rows of double stitching that aren't completely parallel or even have visible loose threads. If you're buying a Valentino evening bag, ensure the embroidery and embellishments are precise, without any loose or missing sequins.

Familiarize with the current and past styles of Valentino handbags, along with the look of authenticity cards and dust bags. Knowing the type of totes, evening bags and purses created and what they should come with will help you spot a fake Valentino bag that a reseller is trying to pass off as a discontinued style.


  • If you're buying a Valentino handbag online, ask for a current photo (including close ups of the stitching, logo, closure and label, for example) if the image shown is taken from another store or is simply a catalog image.