
Miu Miu handbags are some of the most premium and desired bags on the market. Fashion-forward, classy and timeless, these bags are not only an accessory but an investment. By ensuring your bag is a legitimate designer piece, you guarantee resale value and save yourself from overspending on an imitation.

Arm yourself with a physical description of the Miu Miu bag you wish to authenticate and go to a store that you know to be selling authentic top-quality Miu Miu handbags, and take a close look at the item. Note the details of stitching like color and thickness, placement of identification tags and the serial numbers which should appear on the reverse side; you can even request to see the dust bag. If you are not able to locate a retail store, have a look at the official website (see Resources). Printing out detailed images from the official Miu Miu website can establish your reference point for whatever bag you are trying to authenticate.

Consider the source of the Miu Miu bag. Where you buy your bag can be the first indicator of its authenticity. Being offered a money-back guarantee, store receipt or authenticity card does not ensure you are buying an authentic Miu Miu. If you are considering buying from an online source or a site that offers bidding, find out how many bags are for sale, and if possible, read the satisfaction surveys of previous customers. If your seller has a large number of the same item for sale, this should raise some red flags. If you are buying in person, comparing the seller's name to an original (non-handwritten) receipt can be a good way to authenticate the bag. Make a call, and ask for the record of purchase. Some of the most reliable retailers are large luxury department stores, like Saks Fifth Avenue and Neiman Marcus.

Check the dates of your bag's release by requesting the model number and style details from a seller if you are buying, or the bag serial number if you are authenticating a bag in person. If you are authenticating a Miu Miu bag from a past collection, ask customer service at the Miu Miu website to help you verify the styles and dates of production. Current collections can be viewed by entering the handbags section on the Miu Miu website, and viewing the color, size and style options.

Find out the different variations of the Miu Miu bag you wish to purchase by viewing them on the Miu Miu website; all color, size and style varieties will be listed and available for viewing once you enter the section for handbags. During different seasons and different years, Miu Miu releases particular colors and designs. If the seller claims the bag comes from a certain era, make sure the design was offered in that shape and style during that particular collection. If this information is not immediately visible, contact customer service via the Miu Miu website or a retailer.

Compare your notes on the authentic bag to the Miu Miu you are authenticating. Everything should match, from the placement of brand names and details to the type of stitching and the angles of the material. If you took photographs from the website or store, compare them to reinforce your conclusions; you are looking for color of hardware, stitching and tag placement as well as normally overlooked details like the lining of the bag, pattern line-ups if any are in that style and even the logos on the paper sales tag. Fake bags can be very convincing, and it will help if you examine minor manufacturing traits, like the positioning of key holes if the bag has a lock, the exact angles of the stitching and the even the bottom of the bag. As all styles and colors have different stitching and hardware to match, a general rule cannot be given for what to look for, but certain traits, like the font and size of the logo, will never change.


If you are able to bring the bag in to an authorized retail shop for a second opinion, it is a good way to clear up any doubt about whether your bag is real or a fake. If you have recently purchased the bag and have a money-back guarantee, do this before that guarantee expires.