Are you tired of bath towels slipping down as you get ready? The answer is a bath towel wrap. They are moderately easy and inexpensive to make at home. You can recycle your favorite towel, go buy a lovely plush bath sheet or purchase terry cloth. Get ready for an inexpensive fix to an irritating problem.
Spread out the towel. Pin one short side and one long side of the towel with the decorative ribbon. Sew ribbon in place.
Turn the towel over so that the decorative ribbon is facing down.
Fold 1 1/2 inches of the undecorated long side of the towel over and pin.
Sew the fold 1 1/4 inches from the edge.
Measure the elastic by wrapping the length around your body where you would like the wrap to begin. Do not pull the elastic very tight, but it should be firm. Mark the elastic and trim.
Feed the elastic through the pouch on the towel. Attach a safety pin to the elastic to make this task easier.
Sew the ends of the elastic 8 inches from either end of the towel. The towel should bunch some.
Peel apart the Velcro. Sew the one side of the Velcro where the elastic stops. Be sure to sew the elastic on the end of the towel that has ribbon running up the short side.
Flip the towel back over so that the decorative ribbon faces up.
Sew the remaining side of Velcro on the opposite end of the towel.
For women especially it is wise to use a bath sheet. You will need the extra length once the towel wrap is finished. Spend a little time shopping for a bath towel that you like. Find one that is soft and plush. Visit a store with a large selection such as Bed, Bath & Beyond. Purchase a Velcro that is flexible and easy to sew. Some are thicker and can ruin the needle on your sewing machine.
Writer Bio
Mayhew Lester began writing professionally in 2008 for various University of Texas publications. In 2009, she began writing for online publications, focusing on human development, travel and design. Lester holds a B.A. in history with government and curriculum minors from UT Austin. She now works in aviation and finance.