Although it is normal for our faces to change as we age, it is possible to slow down those changes by keeping our faces toned. Exercises designed specifically to strengthen the muscles around the eyes, can help to lift droopy eyebrows. It only takes a few minutes a day and best of all, it doesn't cost a penny.
Exercise One
Relax the brow area while placing the three middle fingers of each hand under each eyebrow.
Allow the palms of your hands to rest flat against your face.
Push your eyebrows gently upwards and slightly outwards while leaving your eyes open. Hold the position for six seconds.
Push your brows gently and slowly down against your fingers with your eyes still opened. Hold for six seconds.
Exercise Two
Close your eyes and relax.
Look down as far as possible, with your eyes still closed, until you feel a gentle pull. Hold for six seconds.
Look up as far as possible, with your eyes still closed, until you feel a gentle pull. Hold for six seconds.
Repeat the complete exercise six times.
Exercise Three
Leave your eyes open and look straight ahead.
Hold your head still and look up for six seconds.
Look down for six seconds.
Repeat six times.
Repeat the entire exercise another six times, but this time look to the right and left.
Exercise Four
Squeeze your facial muscles in a 'scowl' position and hold.
Push your eyebrows down towards your eyes.
Open your eyes wide and lift your brows as far as possible.
Repeat the exercise six times.