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If you're taking on the task of waxing your own pubic hair it needs to be said, this is an ambitious, slightly risky venture. Nevertheless, after a successful waxing you may develop mild skin irritation at the site. This is caused from the high temperature of the wax, and/or as a result of the hairs being ripped from their follicles. Although painful and unsightly, mild irritation is normal after waxing. Fortunately, there a few at home remedies you can try to alleviate pain and shorten healing time.

Warning: If you have sensitive or easily agitated skin, consider using a different grooming method to avoid major skin irritation.

Immediately after waxing, gently wash the area with a non-abrasive, chemical-free soap.

Next, apply witch hazel. Witch hazel is a topical liquid that helps soothe the skin and reduces irritation. Using a cotton ball, saturate it with witch hazel and gently dab over the pubic region. Finally, rub a nickel-sized amount of Aloe vera gel onto the affected area. Aloe vera cools the skin, and relieves inflammation.

It's important to keep your skin moisturized for the few days following a wax treatment. A non-scented, plain lotion will lessen irritation by keeping the skin hydrated. Throughout the day your pubic area rubs against your clothing causing dryness, which can increase irritation, so be sure to keep it well moisturized.

You can also use over-the-counter medications to combat the pain after a wax. Non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen, aspirin, and naproxen work well for minor pains.

Lastly, give it time. Most irritation subsides within 24 hours after waxing.


  • Gently exfoliate the day of your waxing to remove bacteria and oil from the skin.

  • Apply a hydrocortisone cream to your pubic area before waxing to prevent irritation.