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Getting glitter in your eyes is getting easier. Some new makeup products, even specifically for the eye area, contain glitter specs. Body glitter or hair glitter can fall into the eye even after being applied perfectly. These cosmetic glitters are not usually as firm or sharp as craft, clothing, or hair accessory glitter. But obviously it's best to avoid getting glitter of any kind in your eye. If you find yourself with glitter in your eyes, there are few steps you can take to get the glitter out as you make your appointment with the eye doctor.

Wash your hands with hot soapy water for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Don't ever touch your eye with dirty hands. Hands that appear clean can still have microscopic bacteria on them, which can cause an eye infection.

Close your eyes for 5 to 10 seconds, then blink several times, to try to let the eye attempt to naturally "wash" the glitter out. This usually works for a single piece of glitter that has fallen in the eye. If this doesn't work, use water to try to gently rinse out the piece of glitter.

Use a cotton swab or twist the end of a tissue to a small point to try to remove the speck of glitter if it lands on the eyelid or eyelashes. Do not touch your eye with the cotton swab or the tissue—only touch the glitter if it is on the eyelid or lashes.

Use a cotton swab end to gently flip the upper eyelid if the glitter is stuck to the upper eyelid. Then use another cotton swab or tissue to pick up the glitter from the inside of the upper eyelid.

Pull the upper eyelid down over the lower lashes to attempt to sweep the glitter off of the eyelids with a tissue or cotton swab.

Make an appointment with your ophthalmologist or eye doctor to make sure that all glitter is removed and that the eye is healthy. The ophthalmologist might prescribe an ointment or antibiotic to prevent an infection from occurring in your eye.

Don't rub or scratch your eye if you have glitter in it. Don't allow a child with glitter in his or her eye to rub or scratch his or her eyes. Rubbing the eye can cause the glitter to scratch the eye, which can cause cause permanent injury to the eye or introduce an infection which can cause temporary or permanent blindness.


Call your ophthalmologist or eye doctor for the proper procedure and products needed to wash or flush your eye. Write down the doctor's recommendations and follow them exactly. Follow up with a doctor's appointment.


Don't attempt to remove a large quantity of glitter from your eyes. Keep your eyes closed and seek help from an eye doctor or ophthalmologist. The doctor will make sure that all glitter is removed from your eye. You do not want any glitter pieces slipping behind the eye, becoming embedded, or causing an infection. This is not medical advice. Always seek the medical advice of a highly qualified ophthalmologist or eye doctor in your area.