How To Clear Dark Spots On The Scalp

If you suffer from skin discoloration or brown spots on your skin , chances are they're sunspots as a result of over-exposure to the sun. . Hyperpigmentation, or the production of too much melanin ---often due to sun damage--- can create age spots or brown spots on the skin. There are several home remedies and minimally invasive treatments for sunspots; start with the least expensive or invasive method.

First things first: Prevention: avoid heavy, prolonged exposure to the sun. Go ahead and soak up all that spring and summer weather, but use sunscreen and cover-up if you'll be outside for a long period of time.

Home made balm for sunspots: You can make a paste out of one part honey to two parts lemon juice. Apply balm to the affected area and allow it to sit for 15 minutes. Use for about 2 weeks.

Exfoliate: Gently exfoliate your skin with an over-the-counter microdermabrasion kit to slough away dead skin cells, including the brown spots.

Bleaching: Apply a fade cream or bleaching agent, such as hydroquinone, to lighten brown spots. Purchase hydroquinone over the counter at 2 percent strength, an adequate concentration to lighten moderately dark spots. Use the hydroquinone sparingly, and follow the directions on the bottle.

If you've tried everything and nothing seems to work, you may consider seeing a professional, who can recommend a process called fractional laser skin resurfacing to remove the top layer of skin (including the brown spots). This technique stimulates collagen production and improves the health of skin's deeper layers.

Dermatologists may also suggest a chemical peel. To avoid excessive burns, find a qualified dermatologist or technician to perform this procedure.