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Bloating is caused when intestinal gases get trapped in the stomach. These gases are usually produced after digesting meals containing fatty foods or high-fiber carbohydrates. Consuming lime during and after these meals can reduce bloating and relieve stomach discomfort. It is best to consult a physician for prolonged gas pain and bloating.

Lime Over Lemon

One of the sour citrus fruits, limes typically take a back seat to their more popular relative lemons. Although they are both an excellent source of vitamins C, B6 and potassium, limes have higher levels of acid. This acid causes an alkaline environment in the stomach which helps break down the foods and gases trapped in the intestines. Once they are broken down, the belly bloat begins to decrease and the stomach appears flatter.

How to Use

The most common use of lime is freshly squeezed in warm water. Try drinking a glass in the morning before meals to clear the intestines and keep the bowels regular. Add lime to beverages such as tea, seltzer and water during and after meals for flavor and to reduce belly bloat. Squeeze lime juice into foods like fish and lean meats or zest the peel into yogurts and salad dressings.

Lime in Recipes

The use of lime in juices, smoothies and soups can further reduce belly bloat and relieve mild constipation. For breakfast try freshly squeezed lime and apple juice with ginger, or a lime and avocado smoothie. Soups made with limes, carrots and ginger are used as part of a cleansing diet to clean the intestines and help flatten the belly. Adding honey can also help with bloating and act as a sweetener for smoothies and soups.

Additional Benefits of Lime

Limes provide many other benefits to the body as well. When added to body scrubs, the acid in lime juice helps to exfoliate the skin and clear rashes, and it can cure dandruff when added to shampoos. The amazing vitamin C contained in limes can heal ulcers, gout and gum disease. Best of all, the limonoids found in limes help fight certain types of cancers, especially in the mouth, stomach and colon.