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Maroon and gold are both regal, rich colors. Gold is the universal color of royalty, money and wealth, and continues to be the trending color of fine jewelry and accessories. Maroon is a shade of red with a hint of brown that is equally as rich and decadent as gold. The two colors go well together but are difficult to match to other shades. Since both gold and maroon are so vibrant, try pairing them with a neutral, "grounding" color or add a bright pop of color.


While rich, gold and maroon are not bright. For an added pop of color, pair them with bright scarlet. Such a bright color is best added in small doses. Scarlet earrings, ribbons on a dress, a belt or bead work on a top is the best show of a little personality. Don't add a scarlet top or skirt to a maroon and gold skirt or top; the colors will end up fighting for attention instead of complementing one another.

Chocolate Brown

Rich, dark chocolate brown is a perfect complement to maroon and gold. Chocolate grounds the two strong colors and can be used as the staple color to connect gold and maroon separate pieces. It's best to use only a small amount of chocolate in one place. Wear a chocolate headband, shoes, belt or stockings with a maroon and gold dress or separate pieces, for example.

Pale Camel

Pale camel -- a light brown shade -- matches well with gold and maroon because it sinks into the background of an outfit, allowing the two main colors to stand out. Wear pale camel in abundance -- as base garments and accessories to a gold and maroon outfit. Try accessorizing a maroon and gold dress with a pale camel patent leather pair of shoes, bag, or matte tights, for example, or wear a pale camel top with a maroon and gold skirt for a more low-key look.


Cream is white with a tad of yellow added to it, creating a richer shade of white. Cream is a perfect complement to gold and maroon because it grounds and connects the two colors with a familiar and popular neutral shade. Cream can be incorporated into a maroon and gold outfit as a belt, hat, gloves or wrap. Wear only one or two cream accessories at a time, and the thinner and more delicate the accessory, the better. Avoid wearing cream-colored jewelry and shoes, as they tend to detract from the richness of maroon and gold.