Homemade Rob Roy Cocktail

Peychaud’s Bitters gained popularity in the 19th century thanks to an apothecary named Antoine Amedie Peychaud, who lived in New Orleans. The original medicinal purpose of the liquor was soon replaced by the demand of customers wanting to add a dash of the tonic to their brandy to make it more palatable. Today, it is a common ingredient in Manhattans, Whiskey Sours and Sazerac cocktails. As with most other bitters, ingredients in Peychaud's Bitters are a carefully kept secret, however it is known to consist of a blend of gentian root and various other herbs.

Angostura Bitters

Although the exact recipe for Angostura Bitters is secret, it is known to contain gentian root and vegetable flavorings. One of the most similar bitters to Peychaud’s, it is used in Manhattans in place of Peychaud's Bitters, which also contains gentian root. It can also be used in Sazerac, the cocktail invented by Dr. Peychaud that is now the signature drink of New Orleans.

Suze Bitters

This French liquor also contains gentian root, therefore making it an easy substitute for Peychaud’s as it has a similar flavor. It can be used as an ingredient in Manhattans, Old Fashioned cocktails and even Sazerac. The yellowish drink can even be drunk neat with ice, and is not too alcoholic at just 16 percent.

Bokers Bitters

Although it has a different flavor, reminiscent of wood and orange peel, Bokers Bitters are sometimes used as a substitute to make Manhattans. It is highly alcoholic at 30 percent proof, and was once one of the most popular bitters before the Prohibition. Bokers Bitters is an excellent pairing for Drambuie and whiskey.

Old Fashioned Bitters

The Fee brothers set up a liquor company at the beginning of the 20th century, developing liquors designed to be added to Whiskey Sours and Tom Collins cocktails. To this day, their specialty is flavorings for spirits such as brandy, rum and whiskey. As the name suggests, Old Fashioned Bitters is an ideal ingredient for Old Fashioned cocktails, as well as brandy cocktails, Champagne cocktails and Manhattans.