Back view of graying man during haircut

While many women color their hair regularly, men tend to stick to their natural roots. Most men only use hair dye to cover gray, so male hair dying products are generally designed for that. As oposed to the multitude of hair dye brands courting women, there are essentially two on the market for men, Just for Men by L'Oreal and Clairol Natural Instincts for Men.


Both Just for Men and Clairol Natural Instincts for Men come with applicator and color bottles, along with rubber gloves. Both products are mixed the same way, by pouring the color base into the applicator bottle and shaking energetically for about 90 seconds. Once the solution is completely mixed, you can start applying it to your hair. Both brands recommend that you saturate the hair, making sure to get to the roots. Just for Men is intended only for head hair, while Clairol Natural Instincts for Men can be used on facial hair too and includes a moisturizing conditioner you can use for several weeks after the dying.


Just for Men suggests you leave the dye on for no more than five minutes. Some reviews show that, when left on for longer, the hair appears several shades darker than intended. Natural Instincts for Men has a recommended time of 10 minutes, 20 if you have stubborn gray hair. Reviews show that the dye is most effective on all hair types if left on for 20 minutes.


Just for Men seems to darken hair effectively in the suggested five-minute window. Clairol Natural Instincts for Men is most effective when the instructed time is doubled; it fails to effectively penetrate most gray hair if left on for only 10 minutes. Just for Men often delivers a flat, allover hair color while Natural Instincts tends to look more natural, with tones reminiscent of the user's actual hair.


While Just for Men appears to be a stronger formula, more men have reactions to its dye. When left on for more than five minutes, the dye can turn the hair almost black, and it can stain the scalp for one to two days. Recent reviews have shown that using Just for Men can cause burning, rashes, blisters and swelling to the affected areas. This happens more frequently when the dye is used on facial hair.


Clairol Natural Instincts for Men generally costs about $6 to $10. Just for Men is usually less expensive at about $4 to $6.