Tina Prigge/Demand Media

There's only one way to warm brandy without sacrificing its sensual melange of woodsy vanilla, fresh apricot and caramelized, chocolatey aromas: Gently. High-quality brandies, especially those from the Cognac region, taste best when warmed to room temperature -- best accomplished with a few minutes of body heat and a brandy balloon or snifter. Direct flames deal a deathblow to brandy, and you want to avoid them -- unless you're flambeing. Classic brandy flambes, such as traditional Christmas pudding, rely on brandy for their final flourish, and they're the only time you should heat brandy directly.


Tina Prigge/Demand Media

Boil several tablespoons of water on the stove.

Tina Prigge/Demand Media

Hold the glass by the stem. Pour the hot water in the bowl and swirl it for about 10 seconds. Empty the water.

Tina Prigge/Demand Media

Pour the brandy in the glass. The best amount of brandy to heat so as to maintain its temperature is a standard brandy pour of 2 ounces.

Tina Prigge/Demand Media

Let the brandy warm by the heat of the glass for about 5 or 6 seconds. Cradle the bowl of the snifter in your palm, with the stem between your ring finger and middle finger, to maintain the brandy's warmth.


Tina Prigge/Demand Media

Pour a few tablespoons of bottom-shelf brandy in a heavy-bottomed saucepan. Set it over medium-low heat.

Tina Prigge/Demand Media

Heat the brandy for about 10 seconds or just until you see small bubbles forming around the edge.

Tina Prigge/Demand Media

Collect the brandy in a long-handled metal ladle. Hold the ladle at a slight angle a few inches above the dessert.

Tina Prigge/Demand Media

Light the air just above the brandy, where its fumes collect, using a long match or safety lighter.

Tina Prigge/Demand Media

Pour the brandy over the dessert. Serve as soon as the flame extinguishes.


A brandy snifter or a balloon, a goblet-like glass, is necessary to experience the range and zenith of brandy's aroma and taste.


Have a deep pan ready to smother an out-of-control flaming dessert. Brandy radiates a blue flame that's difficult to see in a well-lit room. If you don't see a flame, don't relight the brandy; start over with fresh. Reigniting flaming brandy causes a flare-up. Don't place a bottle of alcohol near an open flame. Don't wear loose-fitting shirts or hanging sleeves when flambeing. Keep your face pointed away from alcohol when cooking with it.