The name rooibos means "red bush" in Afrikaans, owing to the rich red color of the tea. Being both high in antioxidants and free of caffeine, the health benefits of drinking rooibos are similar to green tea. In addition to drinking it, there are many things you can do with rooibos tea to enhance both the natural beauty and health of your skin. Grown in South Africa, rooibos tea has long been used in traditional South African medicine, where it is claimed to treat all manner of skin problems such as acne, eczema, sunburns, itchy rashes, allergic reactions and general irritations.
Use cooled rooibos tea as a toner. Simply boil a pot of water, and add a rooibos tea bag. Cool the tea in your refrigerator (you can leave the tea bag in there). Once cool, use cotton wool, and apply the rooibos tea as you would your regular toner.
Make a rooibos compress by soaking a small towel or cloth in cooled rooibos tea. You may wish to add a few drops of a suitable essential oil, like lavender. This can be applied directly to the skin over trouble areas, such as patches of eczema. You can also put rooibos tea into a spray bottle and use it as a cooling spritz during hot months.
Have a rooibos steam facial. Wash your face to clean off any surface impurities. Boil three cups of water, and add two rooibos teabags. Put the contents into a large bowl or pot. Drape a towel over your head, and lean over the bowl with your eyes closed, allowing the steam to open your pores. Do this for five to 10 minutes, then rinse your face and follow up with a toner or cool splash to close your pores.
Make your own natural moisturizer for dry skin. Combine 3/4 cup of olive oil, 1/3 cup coconut oil, and 1/4 cup of liquid beeswax. Heat these in the microwave until melted, and then pour into a heavy-duty blender. Allow the mixture to cool and thicken. Once cooled, add 2/3 cup cooled rooibos tea, 1/3 cup aloe gel, and 1/4 tsp. vitamin E. Add 5 drops of lavender essential oil if desired. Mix well; this is a thick mixture.
Fill your tub up halfway with hot water and add three rooibos tea bags. Let them brew for at least five minutes. Add some cool water, and soak as long as you like. Aside from brightening your skin, this is great for dealing with itchy skin and sunburns.
Use rooibos tea to replace water in your favorite lotion or body butter recipe.
As with any product, a small number of people are allergic to rooibos. It's always wise to test any product on a small section of skin before applying it to your whole body or face.
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