You can use henna to brighten and condition your hair. While it is commonly used as a dye, when you use it as a rinse, you receive conditioning that seals in natural oils and keeps hair silky and healthy. Henna rinses may be extremely expensive in salons, but you can use henna as a hair rinse at home for a fraction of the cost.
Combine the henna powder and lemon juice in a large bowl. Generally, you should use 100 grams of henna powder for every 12 inches of hair. Add a tablespoon of lemon juice at a time until you have a thick paste. Wear your gloves for the entire operation to protect your hands from staining.
Dilute your mixture in the plastic bottle. Add the paste to the bottle, then combine it with an equal volume of distilled water. Close the bottle; shake it to mix the henna rinse thoroughly. Once you are done, let the mixture set for 8 hours.
Rinse your hair with the henna. Use your gloved hands to work the henna rinse through your hair. Use lukewarm, not hot, water. Pull the rinse through, starting at your scalp and ending at the very ends of your hair. Once the henna is worked through your entire hair, allow it to sit for 20 minutes.
Rinse the henna out of your hair. Use lukewarm water as before. Pull your gloved hands gently through your hair. Squeezing it to get the rinse out, but avoid wringing your hair.
Condition your hair. While your hair is still damp, apply the moisturizing conditioner. You can leave the conditioner in your hair for easy combing, but rinse it out if your styling will not allow for a leave-in moisturizer.
Do not wash your hair before applying henna. You may deep condition your hair, but shampoo removes important natural oils from your hair.
Petroleum jelly will prevent henna from staining your ears and forehead.