how to use a silicone muffin pan

Silicone muffin pans are designed to easily release muffins after they have been baked. But because they're very flexible, you must take extra precautions when baking with them.

Wash and dry your silicone muffin pan before first use.

Place the silicone muffin pan on a sturdy cookie sheet. This makes it much easier to handle in and out of the oven.

Fill the muffin cups according to recipe directions.

Bake until the muffins are thoroughly cooked per the recipe or when a toothpick inserted in the middle comes out clean.

Remove the cookie sheet from the oven and transfer the silicone pan with oven mitts or dishtowels to either a wire rack to cool or onto hot pads. If you leave the muffins on top of the oven on the cookie sheet, the muffins will stay warm for too long and be difficult to remove, leaving pieces and muffin residue inside the cups.

Let cool at least 20 minutes or until the silicone doesn't feel warm to the touch. The muffins will be easy to pop out.

Soak the silicone in hot, sudsy water and wash. Either dry with a towel or let air dry.