lame noire image by Unclesam from Fotolia.com

Using a callous remover for the first time requires patience, the ability to see well, lots of good lighting and a steady hand. Some people prefer to use a sanding paddle to remove calluses. Removing calluses with a blade if you have diabetes, bleeding disorders, immune disorders or circulation problems is not recommended. Cutting calluses with a blade should only be done if you have thick calluses. If you plan on using a blade to cut calluses, it is important to use the correct procedures.

student with papers image by Petro Feketa from Fotolia.com

Insert the blade into the callous shaver according to the directions on the shaver packaging. Make sure that you have read any other instructions relating to the callous shaver. Read all of the steps below as well as the "Tips" and "Warnings" before beginning.

living room interior image by leafy from Fotolia.com

Wash your feet thoroughly with soap and warm water. Dry your feet thoroughly and wait about five minutes to make sure they are dry. Find a quiet place with lots of light and a comfortable seat before attempting to use your callous shaver. Doing so will help you to be comfortable so that you can fully concentrate on what you are doing.

feet and carpet image by jimcox40 from Fotolia.com

Look closely at your calluses and make sure they are thick enough to cut with a blade before beginning. If your calluses are not very thick, do not use a blade to cut them. There are other methods to use such as a sanding paddle or a pumice stone to take off calluses that are thin.

Caution Button image by summerdays from Fotolia.com

Pick up your callous shaver and lay it on the top part of the callous. Do not lay the blade above the area that you are going to cut, as this may result in cutting the soft part of your foot. The blade should be laying on the thickest part of your callous. Apply an even amount of light pressure to the callous with the callous blade.

Stop image by Towards Ithaca from Fotolia.com

Gently glide the blade over the top your callous using a steady hand and light pressure. You should be cutting off only a thin layer of your callous. Repeat if necessary until the callous is thinner. Do not keep cutting until the callous has gotten close to the soft part of the foot. Sand the callous with the sanding paddle to remove the marks that are left on the skin from using the blade. This will make the area that you have cut with the blade smooth.


If you cut your calluses a small amount at the time and spread it out over a period of a week, you will have better results. You can purchase a sanding paddle at most department stores next to the pedicure products.


Seek medical attention if you have very large calluses.