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Eye glasses are expensive to replace; the cost of the frame and the prescription lenses are costly. Defray the cost of the eye glasses by taking care of small maintenance issues without hiring a professional. Removing the nose pad on the eye glasses is one of the tasks that you can do yourself.

Spread out the towel across a flat surface. The towel's job is to keep the eye glasses from moving around too much and to keep you from losing the tiny eye glass screws that you will take out. Remove the eye glasses from your eyes and place them on the towel and the flat surface. Do not fold the glasses.

Locate the nose pads on your eye glasses. The nose pads are the two small flat surfaces that help to support the eye glasses on your nose. Locate the tiny screws that hold the nose pads in place.

Place the jeweler's screwdriver on the screw and remove the screw. Place the screw on the towel. Remove the nose pad with your fingers.

Locate the screw on the second nose pad. Place the jeweler's screwdriver on the screw and remove the screw. Place the screw on the towel. Remove the second nose pad with your fingers.