Michele Andersen

If you’re faced with blackheads, have no fear – a DIY remedy is here. All you need are some simple ingredients: rubbing alcohol to disinfect and dry out excess oil, and baking soda to clean and exfoliate build up of dead skin. Try it out tonight to remove those blackheads and ultimately keep pesky pimples at bay.

Michele Andersen

Wash your face or the affected area with a mild oil-free facial cleanser. Gently dry your face with a clean towel.

Put some rubbing alcohol on a cotton ball. Gently apply the rubbing alcohol with the cotton ball to disinfect and dry out the area affected by blackheads. Avoid applying rubbing alcohol to areas that are dry, peeling or inflamed.

Michele Andersen

Boil half a cup of water to get rid of any impurities in the water source. Add half a cup of baking soda to it to make a paste. If you have a larger area affected by blackheads, remember that the paste should always be a 1-to-1 mixture. Let the mixture cool before applying to skin.

Apply the paste to your skin with your fingers. Avoid dry or inflamed areas and any open sores to prevent irritation. Let the paste dry into a hard mask consistency on your skin.

Michele Andersen

Scrub off the mixture to exfoliate your skin and leave it soft. Rinse your face in warm water.

Splash your face cold water to close your pores and reduce any redness.


Baking soda and rubbing alcohol may take longer to see results.

Always use a clean towel to dry off your face, and only use it on your face, not the rest of your body.


Do not use baking powder.

If your skin becomes overly dry or irritated, reduce the frequency of treatment. If redness and dryness persists, this treatment may not be appropriate for your skin.

If you have sensitive skin, apply the treatment to a small piece of skin on your inner arm and check the next day. If you don't have a reaction, this may be an okay remedy for you.

Rubbing alcohol is very drying. If your skin starts to peel, use it less frequently.