A stash of waffle batter in the refrigerator makes it easy to whip up a batch of crispy-on-the-outside, soft-in-the-center breakfast treats any day. Recipes often require that you fold in perishable and delicate whipped egg whites at the end of the batter-making process, but this doesn't mean that you can't save the batter for the next day or two. You can still refrigerate waffle batter even if the recipe says to cook it right away. The batter separates slightly when stored in the refrigerator, but you can whisk it back together into a smooth mixture in seconds.
How to Store Waffle Batter in the Refrigerator
Follow the waffle recipe. Transfer the batter to a container with a tight-fitting lid and place it in the refrigerator immediately. This keeps the eggs at a safe temperature as they're the most perishable ingredient.
Use within two days to maintain food quality and safety. Stir the batter with a whisk before spooning it into the waffle iron to cook. You can cook the batter cold—no need to bring it up to room temperature.
Alternatively, cook up all the batter and freeze the extra waffles. Crisp them up in a toaster oven or regular oven when you're ready to eat them.
Waffles With Yeast
Some recipes, like Belgian waffles, call for adding yeast to the batter and then refrigerating it overnight. The yeast causes the batter to rise slowly and develop a distinct flavor.
Follow a waffle recipe that calls for the addition of about 1 to 1 1/2 tablespoons of dry yeast. Prepare this batter the night before you plan to cook the waffles.
Place the batter in a large bowl or container and cover tightly with plastic wrap or a lid. Choose a bowl that seems too large—as the yeast in the batter rises, it expands considerably.
Place the batter in the refrigerator for several hours, preferably overnight. You must use this batter the next day or the yeast will continue to expand and the waffles will become too yeasty.
If you're following a waffle recipe that uses yeast but aren't sure you want a yeasty taste, add 1 teaspoon of baking powder to the batter. Cook the waffles within 30 minutes of mixing the batter instead of letting it ferment overnight.