Girl in blue dress wearing white flower wrist corsage
Bethany Clarke/Getty Images News/GettyImages

Wrist corsages are an elegant alternative to corsages that are pinned to a dress or jacket. They are also a practical solution for strapless gowns that have no place to pin flowers. Wrist corsages also avoid the problem of making pinholes in a formal gown. They are appropriate for girls attending high school proms and for bridesmaids or close female relatives of a bride or groom.

Order the wrist corsage several weeks before the formal event.

Bring the corsage into the house when you arrive to pick up your date.

Ask politely if you may place the corsage on her wrist.

Place the corsage on her left wrist and tie it on with the ribbon attached for the purpose. If it has an elastic band, slip that over her hand.


  • The flowers and even the ribbons should match the girl's gown. Suggest pinning the corsage to her bag if it clearly does not match her gown.