A massage is a very relaxing experience. In an era where pampering the self is becoming a known priority in today's hectic world, a massage therapist can be the superhero of the day for stressed out individuals ranging from stay-at-home moms to high-powered business executives. When starting the massage process, there are a few tips that will help to make the experience even more fulfilling and enjoyable. Read on to learn how to prepare a client for a massage.
Introduce yourself. Touching another person is very personal and can be intrusive to some people even though they pay for a service that involves touching. Introductions remove the "stranger" component of the experience.
Explain what type of massage you will be providing. This clarification either confirms the client of the service they requested or gives the client the opportunity to let you know what they really want.
Explain the length of time that the massage will take. Explain how much time you will be spending on certain areas. This gives your client the opportunity to request more time being spent on one area over another.
Confirm that your client does not have any medical conditions that may be irritated by a massage. If such a condition exists, you may request a doctor's permission or have the client sign a waiver removing you from any possible liability of irritation to the condition. It is a "best business practice" to address this issue at the time the massage appointment is scheduled but is a good idea to follow up just before the massage itself.
Remind client before and after massage that your client will need to drink plenty of water after massage in order to replenish hydration.
Ask your client if he or she prefers music or silence during the massage. One purpose of the massage is to relax your client and if music is a distracting agent for your client then your ultimate goal of providing quality service will not be met.
Massages can be conducted with or without clothing. If you offer massages to your clients that where clothing is removed due to the use of oils or lotions, give your clients the opportunity to decide what articles of clothing are most comfortable to remove. If a client is not comfortable removing undergarments, then the undergarments can remain on and you will do the service the best that you can while working around the garments. The client will benefit more if he or she is a comfortable state.
Ask your client for fragrant preferences or allergies to oils that you may be using. A sweet rose scent may be heavenly to some but create severe migraines in others.
Ask your client if he or she has any questions. This gives them a bit of chance to feel control in an intimate situation.
Leave the room so your client can undress. Allow two to five minutes for this. Always knock before reentering in the event that your client removes garments slower than others.
Throughout the massage, keep one hand on your client at all times. This is comforting to the client. Constant touch is more soothing than the feeling of being touched sporadically or suddenly in various places.
Remember that your client's relaxation and happiness is what will make you a success bring that client back to you.
The way you pamper your client will also increase the chances of the client spreading your excellent quality of work to other potential clients.