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Belly-ring holes can be unattractive when they become large and stretched out after wearing heavy belly-button rings. Luckily, skin is elastic and it is possible for healthy skin to retract and regain its original shape over time. With just some patience, you can reduce your belly-ring hole so that it is its original size or even smaller. Some holes can even close up over time. It all depends on the elasticity of your skin.

Remove your belly ring. Twist one ball on the ring counterclockwise and pull the bar out from the hole. If you are wearing your original piercing stud, the gauge will be larger than a regular belly ring.

Insert a smaller gauged belly ring. Over time, if your skin is healthy and maintains a good elasticity, the hole will shrink in size to fit the smaller ring.

Leave out any belly ring. Over time, if your skin is healthy and maintains a good elasticity, the hole will reduce in size or possibly completely close.