Using an antibacterial body wash can help you reduce germ exposure and the spreading of germs, especially during flu season. If you're at a high risk for exposure to illnesses, such as working in a daycare center, you probably want to take every precaution to avoid getting sick. While antibacterial soaps are available at the store, they often contain preservatives or chemicals that can irritate sensitive skin. Making your own antibacterial body wash is another option.
Pour 1 cup distilled water into a mixing bowl. Add 3 tbsp. liquid Castile soap for your soap base, followed by 1 tsp. glycerin and 6 drops tea tree oil. The glycerin gives your liquid soap a moisturizing component and tea tree oil adds a natural antibacterial, antiseptic quality.
Blend the four ingredients well with a hand mixer. Mix for one to two minutes so the glycerin and tea trea oil blend with the distilled water.
Position a funnel over your plastic bottle, holding the funnel securely in place. Pour the antibacterial body wash through the funnel and into the plastic bottle. Use a rubber scraper to get the last few drops into the bottle.
Wipe around the top of the bottle with a paper towel to remove any drips. Place the pump top on the bottle. Shake your antibacterial body wash before each use.
Use your tea tree oil antibacterial body wash for everyday needs or to help relieve eczema symptoms.
Tea tree liquid soap can be used if someone in your home has ringworm.
Wash thoroughly enough to make sure the antibacterial soap can do its job. Wash hands for as long as it takes to sing the song "Happy Birthday."
As is the case with most soaps, be careful not to get your antibacterial soap in or near your eyes.
Writer Bio
Mary Ylisela is a former teacher with a Bachelor of Arts in elementary education and mathematics. She has been a writer since 1996, specializing in business, fitness and education. Prior to teaching, Ylisela worked as a certified fitness instructor and a small-business owner.