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Frizzy hair is bad enough but there’s something about frizzy bangs that can drive you crazy. That’s probably because they frame your face, making them the first thing you focus on when it comes to your hair. Humidity levels, which you can’t control, and dry, brittle hair, which you can, are the usual culprits. Getting bangs smooth and sleek isn't difficult; keeping them that way is. Using the right products and styling tools helps.

Shampoo your hair with a moisturizing shampoo to help smooth your bangs. If you have color-treated hair, opt for a shampoo designed specifically for your shade; it will automatically be more gentle than a regular shampoo because it’s designed not to strip away color.

Condition your hair after shampooing with a conditioner for dry, damaged hair. Chances are that, if you have frizzy bangs, your hair is coarse enough to tolerate a heavier conditioner.

Apply a heat-protectant before you blow-dry your hair to prevent more damage and the accompanying frizz.

Blow-dry with a large round brush. Aim the dryer so the air flows downward onto your bangs, and keep turning and pulling on the brush until your bangs won’t get any straighter, although they may curl under.

Flat-iron your bangs after blow-drying them. Nothing will make them look sleeker and more smooth. Turn your flat iron to a medium-heat setting (it’s best to start low; you can always increase the heat if you don’t get the look you want). Spray your bangs front and back with a little heat protectant, separate your bangs into one or two sections depending on their width and thickness, clamp the iron tightly on your bangs at the hairline, and slide the iron down to the bottom of your bangs. One pass should be enough because you’ve already blown your bangs straight.

Finish off your bangs with a shot of high-humidity hairspray, or a gel with hold that protects against humidity.

Use keratin-based treatments periodically for deep conditioning. You don't have to go to a salon for the entire keratin-straightening process; keratin-infused products are now on the market for individual sale. Keratin repairs the hair shaft, smoothing it down and significantly reducing frizz.


You can substitute anti-frizz shampoo and conditioner as long as they're moisturizing.


Although a flat iron combats frizziness, its heat can be damaging, so make as few passes over each section of hair as possible.