The delicate nature of the skin area surrounding the eye makes it a difficult place to exfoliate. However, removing dead skin cells from this around the eye is important for maintaining a youthful appearance as you age. Exfoliating can help eliminate the signs of crow’s feet before they form and smooth out fine wrinkles. There are thousands of beauty products available on the market today to exfoliate the eyes and most are expensive. But you don’t have to break the bank for costly products. With some olive oil and sugar, you can make your own eye exfoliant at home for a fraction of the cost.
Mix one teaspoon each of almond oil and brown sugar in a small bowl.
Apply the mixture to the under eye area for both eyes and gently massage into the skin with fingertips. Rinse with warm water.
Apply the mixture to the eyelid area for both eyes and gently massage into the skin with fingertips. Rinse with warm water.
Pat the eye area dry with a soft towel.
Apply eye cream to the freshly exfoliated skin to soothe the skin and lock moisture in.
Avoid using exfoliants if you have broken skin or skin problems like rosacea.