Spider veins are red or sometimes blue blood vessels that are close to the skin surface that appear on the face or legs. According to Womenshealth.gov, spider veins can be caused by heredity, aging, hormones and overexposure to the sun. They are not cause for alarm physically but can be a blow to your self esteem if they are staring you right in the face when you look in the mirror. You can learn to hide spider veins on the face to help you restore your self confidence.
Go shopping for a good foundation makeup that is thick, in consistency, not a watery foundation. Many regular foundations that are thin are made to even out tone, not really to hide flaws. Liquid foundation is fine as long as it is thick, but a cream make-up may have more staying power. There is an excellent foundation on the market called Dermablend that can pretty much cover anything from scars to tattoos, if you need serious coverage this should probably do it. You can find Dermablend at the cosmetic counter at fine department stores or online. Match the shade of foundation as close to your natural skin tone color as possible. Also, purchase a translucent powder to set your foundation when you are finished.
Consider a concealer to hide spider veins on the face if you feel that yours are very colorful or in a large area that needs extra coverage. A concealer should be 1 to 2 shades lighter than your foundation makeup.
Wash your face to always start with clean skin. Pat your face dry. While still leaving it damp, add a small amount of oil-free moisturizer. The amount of moisturizer depends on your skin type, whether it is oily or dry. Wait a minute or two for the moisturizer to absorb into the skin.
Apply concealer now if you are using it, applying it directly onto the spider veins on your face with your finger tips with a light feathery touch blending the outer lines of the concealer. Apply your foundation with your fingertips or a cosmetic sponge. Use an upward patting motion; don't rub it in. Cover the concealer and then your entire face, adding more on problem areas if needed. If using a lot of foundation makeup to get maximum coverage, add a touch of moisturizer to it before applying to give a more natural look.
Dust on some translucent powder lightly over your face after the foundation has dried for a minute or two. Pat it in gently as a finish to your look. Powder is used to set makeup and to keep it from transferring to clothing.
Think about a permanent solution if your spider veins on the face are really bothering you. There are some non-invasive highly successful treatments to consider such as electrodessication or laser therapy that are practically painless and just take a few minutes in the dermatologist's office. Talk to a dermatologist about it to see if any of them are a viable solution for you.
When selecting a shade for your foundation makeup, apply it to your jawline instead of the back of your hand to match your skin tone properly.
Always blend carefully around the jawline, hairline and around the ears so you do not leave a noticeable line of foundation.