Shauna Hundeby/Demand Media

Nothing is worse than walking around in shoes that are too tight and hurt your feet. Save yourself money, blisters and bunions by buying shoes that fit. Shoes are measured by both size and width, and just because the size is correct, doesn’t mean the width is right for your foot. Shoes that are too narrow or too wide for your feet may lead to foot problems or you leaving them in the closet unworn.

Shauna Hundeby/Demand Media

Tape two pieces of paper on the floor. Put a pair of trouser socks on your feet.

Shauna Hundeby/Demand Media

Place your left foot onto the paper. Have your friend draw your foot. Place the right foot on the other paper and have him draw the right foot.

Shauna Hundeby/Demand Media

Measure the widest portion of each foot with the ruler.

Shauna Hundeby/Demand Media

Write down both of the numbers. Subtract 1/8 of an inch from the largest number. Record this number as your width.

Shauna Hundeby/Demand Media

Insert "shoe width measurement chart" into your favorite search engine. Examine the results. Click on the link that indicates it contains a measurement chart.

Shauna Hundeby/Demand Media

Locate the chart on the site. Find your shoe size on the chart. Look across the row and locate your width number on the chart. Glance at the top of the row to determine if your foot is narrow or wide. Record your width size.


Wear tights or stockings to measure dress shoes. Wear gym socks for sneakers.