Michael Kors leather handbags are pure luxury. Their various textures and finishes mean each needs a different level of care. For example, Michael Kors Saffiano leather bags are stamped in a crosshatch pattern that makes the leather very resistant to stains—it can be cleaned with just a soft cotton cloth and warm water. Quilted, pebbled, and smooth leather handbags need to be treated gently and with proper leather cleaner. Embossed and metallic leather require even more care.
Remove surface dirt. Dampen a clean microfiber cloth with warm water. Gently wipe down the leather to remove any dirt. Let the handbag sit for several minutes until dry.
Clean off stains and oil buildup. Apply a small amount of leather cleaner to a damp microfiber cloth. Never apply leather cleaner directly to the purse. Gently rub the cleaner onto the leather in a circular motion.
Pay special attention to the handles and clasp areas, and remove any oils left from handling the bag. Remove the leather cleaner with a clean damp microfiber cloth. Repeat on any tough stains. Be careful to apply very gentle pressure.
Clean the Michael Kors signature lining. When the leather has dried, turn the purse inside out and remove any dirt or debris. Pull the lining away from the leather and lay it over a towel. Dampen a sponge and apply a small amount of fabric cleaner to it. Dab lightly onto the lining until fully saturated. Leave the bag open until dry.
Clean and polish the hardware. Dampen a melamine foam eraser. Lightly buff the purse hardware with it, including the Michael Kors signature logo. Be careful to avoid contact with the leather.
If your purse is made of Michael Kors embossed or metallic leather, be very careful when applying leather cleaner—too much pressure will remove the finish on the handbag. Use a smaller concentration of product and very light pressure. You can still repeat the process on stubborn stains once the bag has dried.