Individually, a tickling or pressure in your chest is associated with a variety of health conditions. Combined, the two symptoms may indicate additional issues, including asthma and a heart attack. Chest pressure is a symptom that always requires prompt medical attention. If you experience any concerning tickling or pressure in your chest area, call your doctor or head to the emergency room.


A heart problem often produces chest pressure, which is sometimes combined with a tickling sensation. However, many other causes are a possibility, some of which aren't as serious. Asthma is associated with breathing difficulties, which sometimes mimics chest pressure due to the increased effort to draw in enough air. The tickling sensation that often appears may produce coughing, exacerbating breathing difficulties. An anxiety attack produces a wide range of symptoms, which are different for each person. Many people with the condition report tickling sensations on the skin and many worry that they are having a heart attack during the episode. Heartburn is another health issue that produces chest pressure at times and might cause you to feel a tickling in the area.

What To Do

Regardless of the myriad causes of chest pain, Mayo recommends getting medical care if the pressure lasts longer than a couple of minutes. Explain your symptoms in detail to your doctor or the emergency room personnel, including any feelings of tickling in your chest. This helps him reach an accurate diagnosis, which makes it easier to treat the condition causing your symptoms. Based on your report, the doctor determines which tests, medications and procedures might be appropriate.


If your chest pressure and tickling are due to a heart attack or heart disease, your doctor will likely admit you to the hospital for extensive treatment, including medications and possible surgery. However, if your symptoms are linked with anxiety, chronic heartburn or asthma, then medications and lifestyle changes may allow you to control the condition and reduce the occurrence of chest pressure and a tickling in the area. Following your doctor's treatment recommendations is important for keeping these conditions from flaring up.


Alternative medicine is a form of treatment that aids in the treatment of many conditions that produce pressure and tickling in your chest. Dietary changes are often recommended for heartburn and anxiety and many herbal supplements are said to control symptoms associated with a host of medical conditions. However, it is important to discuss the use of these treatment methods with your doctor before implementing them because some may cause negative interactions with medications.